Tuesday, April 13, 2010
There is no such thing as Clean Coal
The reality: There is no such thing as clean coal.
Best TV Ad: Coen Brothers' Clean Coal
With their trademark sardonic wit and style, the Academy-Award winning Coen Brothers bring an appropriate undertone to the "clean" coal spot from the Reality Coalition campaign, which ran on CNN, MSNBC, and Comedy Central, and sped through the Internet. Joel and Ethan Coens' 30-second "ad" turned the slick coal industry's sales job on its head with a slick pitchman selling spray air-freshener spewing black dust, and tagged: "Clean coal is supported by the coal industry, the most trusted name in coal." The consortium of enviros (including Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, and League of Conservation Voters) hit pay dirt mining the two-headed directing team, which is also behind film Burn After Reading. -R.C.
(Via: TreeHugger)
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Ecuador vs. Chevron: Ecuador rejects $700 Million from Chevron
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Kevin Tuerff :: Enviromedia

We, Katie, Brian, and Jamie, recently got the opportunity to meet and listen to Kevin Tuerff of Enviromedia in our Green Brand Strategies class at the University of Oregon. Listening to what Kevin had to say about our environment, sustainability, the change in the ad industry, and just about everything else was mind blowing. Kevin has been in the ad industry for about 11 years, but what makes him stand out is his practice for working with businesses that are using sustainable practices. Coming up with a green strategy in advertising is not a easy thing to do. Kevin is doing this everyday. We think one of the most important things we took away from his guest lecture was his guidelines to develop a successful Green Brand Strategy and now we're going to share with you...
1. Authenticity Rules. No GreenWashing
2. Know Your Audience. Willingness High, Awareness Low
3. Explore
- What Green Problem Am I Addressing With This Product?
- How Is The Brand Promise Tied To Sustainability?
- How Can I Communicate The Brand's Greenness In A Unique Way?
4. Communicate Why The Green is Good? ...It's Not Obvious To Some People
5. Walk The Talk. Share The Good, Bad & Ugly
6. Sell It. Convince Consumers Your Brand Of Green - And Therefore Your Product/Service Is The Right Choice For Them.
Isn't this great, yet so simple! Amazing. Here are some other great quotes to help inspire...
"You can make money and still save the world at the same time."
"You need to educate and learn everyday about "Green" issues."
"The United States does not take time to talk about global issues compared to the rest of the World."
Here is something for Chevron's big wigs up to think about:
What if Chevron were to actually clean up their mess? How would that effect them?
Answer: Positively
If Chevron were to clean up all of the toxic waste in Ecuador by dipping their petroleum stained hands into their back pockets and fishing around for some of that $24 Billion dollar profit they made in one year (2008) they would be able to ERASE their reputation as the destroyers of a beautiful land like that of Amazon, providing us with an abundance of oxygen needed in a time of climate change.
If they cleaned up ALL of the waste tomorrow (very possible, Chevron is filthy rich) they would then own that act of environmental heroism and people would see that they are honest about their business practices and to the environment. That they care about more than zeros behind a comma, and are thinking about a world that is in drastic need of help.
This would be one step in the right direction, cmon Chevron...LISTEN!
60 Minutes: Crude
Will You Join Us [Greenwash]?

Chevron Toxico
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Move over Google, You're wasting too much damn energy!

Monday, February 15, 2010
Green Detectives is a great website run by Enviromedia that follows climate change.
Green Detectives includes a detailed blog involving sustainability practices not only with businesses but also peoples everyday life, a timeline titled "Road to (Climate Change" that shows all of the environmental advances that will help climate change, and my favorite interactive tool on this website which is called the Green Detective Decoder which goes over commonly used terms used when talking about sustainability, green practices, and climate change.
Ever since 2007 when the "green" movement hit the world, industries have found ways to profit off of what we call "green," when in fact they are in no way environmentally friendly. It is what Enviromedia calls "Greenwashing" (I have a blog post about the whole website devoted towards greenwashing). This website includes up to date articles under Cases Cracked, that focus completely on these types of companies.
This is a really informative website for someone just learning about the "green" movement and climate change in general.
Check it out HERE
Eugene: Green Store

Eugene: Sy's Pizza

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sustainable Brand: HP

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Chevron Toxico

Monday, January 18, 2010
Article: WorldChanging.com
Monday, January 11, 2010
Strategy for Sustainability (1)
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Green can be portrayed in many different ways, sure. It’s a color, it is the way your face makes before you vomit, it’s a way of life for some people, and in the last decade with the ever growing awareness of our environment and the importance of a sustainable environment, green has become a way for people and brand’s alike to advertise themselves as being environmentally friendly, instead of wasteful and selfish.
Green can be a very effective way for brand’s to advertise. When you break it down to what it means for a brand to advertise themselves as green, it is merely persuading the consumer to use their product by letting them feel like they are doing something useful for the earth. People in general care significantly about their reputation and what other people think about them. For them to use a green product they are convincing themselves that by buying and using this product they are doing something environmentally friendly and “green”.
Many other companies are very passionate about being green and passionate about the message they are sending to everyone by being sustainable. This blog will help show what companies are doing in order to title themselves as being green and sustainable.