These two signs read "Don't put my box baby in the trash..." and "Translation: If you are putting a box in the trash you don't need a 'TO GO' box. NEXT TIME USE A PLATE AND HELP US AVOID FURTHER PRICE INCREASES"
Sounds about right, every time you throw away a box means that you asked for a box but you stayed at Sy's to eat the pizza. Sy's makes a good point by telling us to just get a plate next time we eat-in at Sy's.
Then I looked at my plate. It's a paper plate, that I have to throw away after I eat because of all the grease marks. Now, doesn't that seem sort of odd for them to be so critical of people using boxes when they give out plates? Plates cost money to buy, just as the boxes do.
My resolution: Sy's should have re-usable plastic plates in order to cut the cost of having to buy paper plates for those who eat-in. If you think about it Sy's is not that big at all, it seats less than 10 people inside. If they were to get plastic plates that they recycle and clean after each use they wouldn't have to keep buying paper plates, and the price increase would not be necessary for the next piece of pepperoni I will be craving!
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